All of the children had a turn drumming today with our visitor Jacqueline Watts. We learned a new song and practiced keeping a steady 1-beat with the music. You can listen here:
Rhythm and beat are important Early Reading skills - at home you can encourage your child to practise this by clapping or by using pots and pans. Practice drumming out the beats to names of family members or with everyday objects: ce-re-l, ta-ble, wa-ter, sun-glass-es...
Donna, the Literacy Lady, joined us for stories from the Pine Forest and we learned a new song about the drumming circle. All of the children drummed, we used logs to build a log house and the children made bright yellow suns.
Drop-In every Wednesday Morning
8:45- 12:00.
Our Story Circle starts at 9:45.
Everyone is welcome.